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Human Rights Organisation | Charity UK

Pushing back against globalism, resisting tyranny and standing up for fundamental freedoms.

Human Rights Organisation | Charity UK

Pushing back against globalism, resisting tyranny and standing up for fundamental freedoms.

We Investigate

We Litigate

We Campaign

Our liberties do not come from charters; for these are only the declaration of pre-existing rights.

John Dickinson

Our liberties do not come from charters; for these are only the declaration of pre-existing rights.

John Dickinson

Fundamental Freedom is an independent human rights organisation that was established in 2022 in response to the UK government’s tyrannical and draconian measures surrounding Covid-19.

As a charitable organisation we investigate human rights abuses, challenge injustice, defend liberty and freedom and campaign for transparency and accountability from government, its agencies and the media.

Our organisation is comprised of lawyers, investigators and campaigners who work together to oppose censorship, protect our constitutionally protected rights and hold the powerful to account.

Fundamental Freedom is a human rights charity organisation.

An independent human rights organisation established in 2022 as a response to the UK government’s tyrannical and draconian measures surrounding Covid-19.

As a charitable organisation we investigate human rights abuses, challenge injustice, defend liberty and freedom and campaign for transparency and accountability from government, its agencies and the media.

Our organisation is made of lawyers, investigators and campaigners who work together to oppose censorship, protect our constitutionally protected rights and hold the powerful to account.

If you have been a victim of human rights abuses/injusticeS.

Or if you have had your freedom or liberty denied, we want to hear from you.

have you been affected by the covid-19 pandemic?

Have you lost someone under suspicious circumstances? Involving midazolam?

Have you lost someone following a covid-19 vaccination?

Have you lost someone as a result of COVID lockdown policy?

Are you facing a covid related inquest for a member of your family?

If you have been a victim of human rights abuses/injusticeS.

Or if you have had your freedom or liberty denied, we want to hear from you.

have you been affected by the covid-19 pandemic?

Have you lost someone under suspicious circumstances? Involving midazolam?

Have you lost someone following a covid-19 vaccination?

Have you lost someone as a result of COVID lockdown policy?

Are you facing a covid related inquest for a member of your family?

Join Fundamental Freedom from £1 a month 

There is a democratic crisis in the UK. Our government no longer represents the will of the people, but rather represents the interests of unelected global elites at the UN, the WEF and the Davos group. Help Fundamental Freedom hold these bureaucrats to account, stand up to power and ensure fundamental freedoms are protected for future generations. 

What We Do

In Court

As a human rights organisation we challenge unjust laws, policies and practices by bringing landmark legal cases.

In Society

Our organisation uncovers injustice and inspires people to stand up.